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Tag: historical romance

Changed by Italy


As I return from my third trip to Italy, and my fourth trip overseas, I am filled with wonder. How can this happened yet again? I look in the mirror and it seems incongruous that the same face stares back.

Like a balloon that has been filled with air and then deflated, I am stretched and changed. I’m filled with sights and sounds of another age. I walked along Medieval paths and touched the slits in the walls from which arrows flew.



I stood in the square where traitors were burned at the stake. As I hiked up the narrow village paths, I ducked, hoping the over-ripe persimmons, known as cachi, would not fall upon my head.


I passed the old church wine cellar gate on the way to the castle where knights once held their ground.


We lit an ancient fireplace and cooked fish over the embers of beechwood; the best, I am told, for cooking.



I drank new wine from Uncle Tio, was fed by Luisa, and laughed with Fulvio, Stefano and the rest as we shared Christmas and the New Year. I stuffed myself on Panettone and drank cappucinno. I fell in love with my daughter Sarah’s extended family.

Truly, I am blessed beyond measure and I am not the same.

I have wonderful new ideas for my next set of Medieval Novels. Stop by occasionally and I will share!

For now, I hope you will enjoy a Romance in Medieval England. Choose one or both!



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Christmas Week in Italy – part Two


The view above is from the lounge of my hotel room. I just took a walk in the small market, bought a capello rosa and went to the Supermarcato. My husband, Rich, has the sniffles so we may take it easy today.

I learned about the history of this village, where an old woman warned the villagers of an approaching army. In my mind’s eye? It was a beautiful young woman, dressed as her grandmother. And so the imagination takes off.

If you want to read my first two books, here are the links:

US: Stella Marie Alden

Canada: Stella Marie Alden




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A New Interview With Myself


Hey! Where’re you going? I thought we were going to blog for a moment?

I’ve got a Zumba class in 15 minutes. Sorry. I hate interviews. Have I mentioned that?


Zumba? Really? I mean you’re getting on in years. I hope you take it easy…

Hell no. I take it to the max. I got calories to burn. I sit at a desk all day long.


What other workouts do you do?

I exercise at least six times a week. One step class, three Zumba classes, and two yoga classes. Listen, I really need to go…


That seems like a lot. When do you find time to write?

I get up at 5:30 seven days a week and write for at least two hours.


How impressive. How do you force yourself to do that?

Huh? Force? I’ve heard other people say what ‘hard work’ writing is. It’s not like that for me. What is hard, is to STOP writing. I wish I could write all day and all night.


I see you’ve published two medieval romances. Is there a particular reason you chose that genre?

Ha. ‘How to Train Your Knight’ was the first to get noticed by a publisher and my best at that time. I have a couple contemporary novels and a paranormal story just waiting for me to go back and get them ready for print. I wish I had more time…


Did you always want to be a writer?

Uh… no…. Honestly? For the longest time, I didn’t think beyond saving for my kids’ college, paying my bills, and getting a good night’s sleep. Being able to write is a recent discovery. I learned I can paint watercolors, as well. I sold a few in a gallery. And I learned to tile, and ah, code, manage a software project… I think as we get older, our capacity to learn increases. Don’t you?


Hmmm. Most would disagree.

You really are a Debbie Downer. Got a case of the Mondays? You get one more question. As I said, I have a workout.


What advice would you give new writers?

First of all? Do you love it? If not, find something else to do. If yes, then write every spare minute you have and then, if you are serious? Get some professional feedback and get better at your art. Then write some more and get more feedback, and write some more and get your work out there. And dream big and get published and write some more.

Sorry self. I gotta go. We can talk later.

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Stella channels the past?

af0c84d5492a484b8076b638c3574d68The weirdest thing happened this morning and I just have to share it.

For those of you that don’t know me, I’m generally considered an extremely level-headed woman, I know well the difference between making things up and reality.

So that is why I am FREAKING OUT!

The heroine in my third book is entirely fictional and is supposed to be the only living survivor of King Magnus, the last of the Norse rulers on the Isle of Man. In my story, the King of Scotland, who conquered the Manx,  decides to put her on the throne, as an effort to win the goodwill of the people. I made up a haughty female to be able to spar with the alpha knight I have in mind.

This morning, while doing some research on the ‘Isle of Man,’ I found an obscure reference to another,  written by a scholar at Western Michigan University. In it, I read that there actually was a queen on the isle of Man in the same decade in which I am writing!  She was the closest living heir to the last king of Man,

I had no idea.






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Hi to All of You AWESOME folks who landed here today!!!

First of all, I say Good luck on the $25 Raffle.



Secondly, I’ve had so many friends and new authors ask me these few questions.

What is a Blog Tour?
It’s a whole lot of websites who’ve agreed to host your content for a day, or a few days.

How can I get myself one of those?
I thank for arranging this second of two wonderful tours.

I can get over forty folks to blog for me?
Well, it isn’t quite that easy. If you want to be successful, you should help promote the promoter! To do that, I suggest that you think to ‘give back.’ Create safe places where romance writers can post. You can make a Facebook page or a Goodreads group or a Pinterest board. Or find some new way! Tweet your favorite authors!


Medieval has never been better


Here is a list of bloggers who’ve agreed to share in my release day!! I have posted their Facebook and their Blog sites. I’ve also made sure to ‘tweet’ them all at least once today!

I’ve made sure they have a ‘never seen before’ excerpt!!!

You can catch us on FACEBOOK as well!!!


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Merry Monday Presents ‘How To Marry Your Wife’


You have JUST GOT to see what my FIRST REVIEW LOOKS like.

I am humbled, awed, inspired, and jumping for joy.



     What foul devilry is this? They told her he was dead. After six long years without a word, her knight falls onto his knees and sings poetry? Then he denies their son? Heed this well. She’s no longer an innocent who’ll giggle and tarry on his every word. The sharp edge of her tongue is the only welcome he’ll get. She’ll not marry him. The pain would be too much to bear should he ever leave again.
Her attitude is beyond understanding. What voice did he have in his travels? The king commanded and he obeyed. Regardless of her fierce scowls, the Templar knight decides to wed and win back her favor. It’s a long road from London to Hadrian’s Wall. Ahead, evil deeds await, laced with castles, kidnappings, and secrets. Will the treacherous journey split them asunder forever? Mayhap only in death will he rekindle the passion they once shared.



“My lord, your castle awaits to the north and your relatives may be held captive. We must turn back.” The words were spoken by Harold-the-Younger who would be forgiven, just this once, for his impertinence.

“And my wife is missing. Thank you for stating the obvious. If you can’t be more helpful, I suggest your mouth be best used for taking in breath.”

Jacob pointed down the river. “There. What’s that?”

Thomas’ heart sank. A flat bottomed boat lay bobbing upside down against the bank of the river. A woman’s body lay beside it in a pool of blood. He swallowed hard and dug spurs into Demon’s side. His charger tossed his head, snorted, and veered, but Thomas gained control and raced toward the grisly scene.

A dog chewed at a headless mass of flesh and snarled. He kicked the animal away, squatted, and cursed. Pieces of Merry’s bloodied tunic twisted among the innards. He dropped to his knees and shouted with first raised into the air. “Be ye damned forever.” Part of the curse was for whoever had just killed her, the other for God, and lastly for himself.

Assessing the gore was the hardest thing he’d ever done. What was left of the flesh had the length and breadth of his wife. One arm was cleaved at the wrist. His soul refused to acknowledge the scene in front of his eyes and he refused to mourn. Not yet. He’d find the bastard who’d done this to her, cleave him in to small bits, and let the vultures feed.

A horse whinnied behind him and Jacob’s flat voice spoke, “The head is gone.”

“Let me be. I’ll bury her. Alone.” He gathered stones and placed them beside the body.

“It’s way too opportune that the poor woman’s head and hand are missing. I smell a ruse.”

The blackness that threatened to devour his soul wouldn’t let in one ray of hope. “Do as you will. I’ll bury what’s left of her.”

Thomas scoured the flood plain for a sign of her. Was it possible? Crows circled above, but other than that, the land lay bare. All signs and tracks around the body had been swept away. The coward was clever. About a mile beyond, a forest loomed. Perhaps the woman-slayer trembled there.

Having no shovel, but many a stone, Thomas moved the body parts to a central area and covered them. With none to watch, tears came unbidden as he placed the last round stone atop what was left of her body. He gasped for air, knowing not how to go on, but knowing he must for his little son.

“What say you, lass? You were right. Better that I should’ve stayed dead.”

Memories, detecting the flaw in his mail, attacked without mercy. Six years ago, he’d spied her across the room with the devil in her eyes. She’d smiled boldly at him and giggled with her friends. The first time they’d sat together at table, he’d fed her like a baby bird and cut her food. All in the great dining room watched, knowing that in the doing so he’d claimed her.

He recalled that fateful night, when they’d hand-fasted before God. She’d begged him to take her and he’d been too weak to resist completely. He’d promised to come back after trading in London and marry her. How was he to know that Marcus would send him abroad at the king’s request? His soul howled, never to be consoled again.

He sobbed, falling upon his knees, with his hands covering his face. Forgive me. He’d loved with her that night as much as he’d dared. So beautiful her lovely sighs, so bountiful her breasts. She’d opened her legs and accepted his hand until she’d come undone. Mayhap a holier man could have resisted her offerings, but oh no, not him. Nay. He took all but her virginity and remembered how sweet the agony to spew his seed between her legs.

He allowed one more moment of self-pity, planted the final rock upon her grave, and squeezed his eyes as they burned. He apologized for his blasphemy and prayed God to take his angel into heaven and allow him to meet her there anon. First, he would seek revenge and see to the welfare of his son.

His eyes popped open when the grasses rustled in front of him and the ground opened up. A muddy black demon arose with shiny eyes and yellow teeth. Grinning, it exited the hole with a most ordinary sword held high. Then there was naught, but darkness.




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Thursday Threads presents Viola Russell. YAR PIRATES!!!!

Welcome Pirates! YAR!


Genre: Historical Romance

Heat Level: Sensual



BUCCANEER BEAUTY is the story of Grace, Graínne, O’Malley, the beautiful daughter of a powerful Irish chieftain and a conventional mother. At the age of eleven, Graínne cuts her hair and sneaks aboard her father’s galley ship, determined to follow a life at sea and to seek the company of a handsome Scottish gallowglass, Bruce Donnel. Graínne proves herself a budding warrior when Spanish marauders invade her father’s vessel, but her parents have other plans for her. Though she proves an able sailor, Graínne is forced to marry Donal O’Flaherty, another powerful chieftain. Though enamored of Bruce Donnel, she nonetheless obeys her parents and proves an able helpmate to her violent and rash husband, continuing her own adventures at sea while raising children and supervising her husband’s home. Her heart, however, still belongs to a handsome Scot who she can never have.


Upon Donal’s death by ambush, Graínne continues her adventures along the Irish coast and Europe, secretly battling England’s growing power in her country. Alternately sleeping with the devil or manipulating the British authorities to her own ends, Graínne is determined to save her family and people from the tyranny imposed upon them by England. To make her family stronger, she weds Richard Bourke, one of the most powerful men in the region, but she can never forget Bruce Donnel and the passion he incited within her soul. Richard proves Graínne’s most stalwart supporter and she his, their minds and bodies uniting in an almost mystical union. Together, they faced the English with no fear—with only audacity and boundless courage. Still, the shadow of a youthful gallowglass intrudes on Graínne’s peace.



“I wish you could come with me to Bunowen.” Grainne heard Bruce’s footsteps when he stepped on the hay spread along the barn. She looked up from grooming her chestnut horse.

“Now what would I be doing there?” Bruce ambled toward her and began stroking the mare’s nose. The horse stomped on the ground with her right front hoof and let out a fierce snort. The Scot took a step back.

“She thinks you mean to dishonor me.” Grainne grinned at him as she combed the horse’s mane. “My da gave her to me after that first voyage. Before that, I’d only had a pony. He said I could handle Anu after that.”

Bruce had regained his courage. He searched within the folds of his cloak and offered the horse a carrot. Anu gazed at him with what looked like suspicion, sniffing the tempting vegetable. “She’s a wild one.”

Grainne laughed and threw her arms around the animal’s long neck. “She’s a smart one, you’re meaning.” She stared at the now fully-grown man before her. His fair hair fell lightly onto his shoulders, and he wore the tartan trews typical of his people. She glanced at the way his muscular legs bulged within the tight material of his tartan trews. He’d spent most of his life yielding an axe, and Grainne didn’t want to admit to herself how lonely the months were when he returned to his native land with the rest of his men. “How old are you now, Bruce Donnel?”

Bruce watched as Anu took a generous bite from the carrot, then he lifted it to his own lips, grinning. “Older than you, Lady Grainne.” He studied her for a few minutes. “Twenty.”

“So no Highland Lass has won your heart, has she?” Grainne swept the coarse mane from the comb and tossed it aside. She wiped her hands on her trews and pushed a stray strand of hair from her face.

“No, my heart’s been stolen by an Irish goddess, but I can’t have her.” He turned to the pawing horse and shared the rest of his carrot.

Grainne’s heart hammered inside her breast. She took a deep breath and forced levity into her voice. “Who is she, pray tell?”

Bruce was suddenly so close to her that she could feel his hot breath feathering the slight hairs on her neck. “Don’t play with me, Grainne. It hurts too much.”

Grainne swallowed hard as her very being lurched with desire and aching need. Every sinew in her body wanted to wrap him within the all-consuming fire of her passion. She forced a laugh into her voice. “What hurts? By what I hear aboard ship you waste no time pining for the chieftain’s daughter. You’re quite the man about port. Many a Spanish and French lass can attest to that.”

“They mean nothing.” His fingertips lightly touched a strand of her hair, but he jerked away as if an electric jolt raced through his body. He added bitterly, “But you’re the daughter of one of the most powerful men in Connaught, and you’re soon to be the wife of another. I’m a poor mercenary.”

“Not so poor by what I’ve heard.” Grainne struggled to control her own rapid breathing. The heat of his body infiltrated her very pores. “Rumor has it you’ve farmland in the Highlands.”

Bruce’s face was very close to hers as he moved closer to her, his breath fanning against her lips as they lightly touched hers.  Grainne involuntarily touched his cheek, her fingertips on fire and her own breathing sounding loud in her ears. “You’ve heard right. It would be a great place to raise sheep, if I had the right woman.”

“Aye. It would be in a place with the right woman.”

Grainne looked away, but she still felt his heat. He cupped her chin under with his thumb and forefinger, forcing her to look at him. His brown eyes bore into her soul. Grainne’s whole body grew hot, and she gently slapped away his hand. Turning from him, she replied softly over her shoulder, “I have to finish with Anu.”

“Would you leave with me, my wild rose?” Suddenly, Bruce’s powerful arms encircled her waist. He ran his lips along her neck as his hands shifted to her breasts.

Grainne turned to him, almost against her as though she couldn’t help her conscious will. In his arms, she wasn’t possessed of a mind at all, only an aching body that longed for sexual release. During her long journeys at sea, Grainne had acquired many unsavory sailors’ habits. She loved to game and swore in such a way that made her mother cross herself before flailing her only daughter, but Grainne had never given of herself to man. She’d purposefully withheld her sexual favors from the men inhabiting her father’s ships. Grainne was a chieftain’s daughter. She wouldn’t disgrace him or herself.


Viola Russell

By Viola Russell

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‘How To Marry Your Wife’

Tell me. What do you think? COMING NOVEMBER 18th!

What foul devilry is this? They told her he was dead. After six long years without a word, her knight falls onto his knees and sings poetry. Then he denies their son? Heed this well. She’s no longer an innocent who’ll giggle and tarry on his every word. The sharp edge of her tongue and knife is the only welcome he’ll get. She’ll not marry him. Besides, the pain would be too much to bear should he leave her again.

Shocked beyond measure that he has a son, a Templar agrees he must wed. He insists his new family travel with him to his lands in the north. It’s a long road from London to Hadrian’s Wall and evil deeds weave into a plot laced with castles, kidnappings, and pigeons. Will the journey split them asunder forever? Perhaps only in heaven will he find a way into her hardened heart.

Check out the prologue.

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Free Sneak Peak at ‘How To Marry Your Wife’


Year of our Lord 1276

England, near London Towne


Behind them, massive columns stood tall as their only chaperones in the ancient Roman bathhouse. Peepers croaked, night birds lamented, and water gurgled as it cascaded down from each of the three tiers. Sir Thomas led her deeper into the shadows made by blue moonlight. Tiny waves of light reflected off the pools and onto his beautiful Norman features.

The dark centers of his eyes widened as he brushed his lips over hers. “You shouldn’t be here.”

“You don’t want me?” Merry’s lower lip quivered. Thick black hair caressed the tender places between her fingers when she reached her hands to the back of his head. Warmth spread from where their lower halves met and she kissed him with all her being.

Her Templar knight groaned. “I’ve promised your liege that I’ll not lay with you until we’re wed. If we continue down this road, my honor will be questioned.”

Letting go of his silky wet locks, she reached into her purse and waved six colorful ribbons of yarn in front of his nose. “But I brought these.”

He leaned over to where he’d placed his sword, belt, and boots and came up with similar lengths of wool. “As did I.”

Her cheeks ached with the wide grin she sent his way. “Anon. Let’s do it.”

Rough palms cupped her face as the man she adored bore a hole into her soul with his gaze. “Lass. ‘Tis serious. We’ll be hand-fasted. Are you sure you want this?”

She covered his hands with her own and fell into the depths of those magnificent eyes. The drum in her chest beat faster and her lips parted. “I’m six and ten seasons. I know my own mind.”

A soft moan escaped his perfect lips and his kiss went deeper than any of the others they’d shared all summer. One of his hands slid to the back of her head and the other glided down her back and clamped her bottom globe. He pulled her tight to his hard want and her mind filled with lustful thoughts.

Warm breath met her ear. “We’ll have a proper wedding when I return from London Towne in a fortnight. Ready?”

She nodded and held forth her hand with the yarns.

Never releasing her from his fierce gaze, he clasped his sword arm to hers, tied them together with the yarn, and bound them forever. “I take thee as my wife.”

With eyes watering, her hand shook as she brushed a dark lock from his grey eye. “I take thee, as my husband, for all eternity.”

He flicked his cloak open and lay her down. Then there was only him; his scent, his tongue, and his hands pulling her so close that she mayhap died and went to heaven. He went to his knees with a small growl in his chest and removed his colors. Slivers of moonbeams danced across his glorious body. Strength bumps above his navel led down to small curls of black hair. The ‘V’ pointed a staff so large, surely it would never fit. Holy mother of God. Her mouth lost its liquid and she swallowed hard.

“Don’t worry, love, all will be well.” He leaned over and devoured her in gentle kisses. Their tongues danced and her heart soared. One knee lifted, he straddled her, and found the hem of her tunic. He muttered an apology as it tore when it caught coming over her head. Then his mouth dropped open, his hard pintle danced upon her navel, and he sucked in his breath.  “Bloody love of Christ. You’re perfect.”

She arched up so that the aching wet spot between her legs could rub against his length. His soft kisses started at her mouth, lowered to her breast, and he suckled.

“Please…” The lips between her legs swelled. She moaned at the sweetness of his hands kneading her breasts and his tongue licking the tips of her ever-hardening nipples.

He spread her legs wide with the outside of his knees and rasped, “We play with fire.”

A calloused fingertip rubbed the pebble between her legs, she closed her eyes, and prayed for release. Never had she experienced such need, such wanting. It was as if the gates of heaven were open and she but a foot away.

His wet tongue laved the perfect spot and she gasped. Heated breath from his hiss met her folds and she swelled. A gentle nibble and…oh dear God in heaven… She burst apart, bright lights flashed behind her lids, and her body shook in perfect release.

He slid up her naked body and kissed her fiercely upon the lips tasting of her. “Clamp your thighs around my rod.”

She did as told, and he rubbed it against her sensitive nub again and again but did not enter her. He thrust once more, she clamped him tight, and he shouted into her mouth. His release sent her over the cliff again and she went to holy bliss as sticky fluid lubricated her inner thighs.

“Mine.” He fell onto his side, panting.

She sighed and turned towards him. When their breathing calmed, she said, “I wish you didn’t have to go.”

“But I do and you should be off to your pallet. Soon we’ll lay together every night, then I shall breach you as a proper husband does his wife.” He reached across her body for her skin of wine lying on the mosaic tiles and drank deep.

A tiny squeak escaped her lips. “Wait, no. Thomas. Don’t!”

He looked at her askance and his eyes darkened with a fierce scowl. “What was in that draught?”

She shivered. “Just a foolish love potion from old Agatha. I wasn’t really going to use it.”

He moaned and his eyes rolled to the top of his head. “’Tis no love potion, ‘tis juice of the poppies. Quickly, get dressed and leave. You’ve no idea its affect upon me.”

“I won’t. This is all my fault.” Oh what have I done?

“Merry. Do as I say. Go.” His body convulsed.

Sobbing she held him, not daring to leave and not daring to tell a soul. He hardened again, and this time there was no stopping, no restraint, just his pure love inside her. He was fierce and hard and beautiful all at the same time. When his breathing became calm, and his moaning stopped, she dressed and ran back to her chambers, no longer a virgin. Already the cock crowed and pale orange of the rising sun lit the grassy knolls in the distance.

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An Interview with Ann and Marcus

I go back in time, to the year 1276 to have a short speak with Ann and Marcus. They insist we chat while soaking in their ancient Roman bathhouse and I have to agree, it’s heavenly.

It’s odd to get naked with my characters, but I am sitting so that I am mostly concealed under the water. I wish Marcus would do so as well, but every so often he pushes up with hands to the edge, and gracefully exits. I can’t help but stare at his magnificent warrior’s physique.

When he eases back in with the grace of a cat, I start my questions with Ann. “I hear you are with child?”

She beams and rubs her swollen belly. “Indeed I am. Do you know if it’s a boy or girl?”

I do, but won’t spoil the surprise. “No, no. We will find out together in book two.”

“Book two? You mean for us to have another adventure? I believe I would rather not” Her mouth purses and turns down into a pout.

Marcus glares at me. “I thought we were safe in happily-ever-after.”

I swallow hard. “Well, yes and no. That’s why I’m here. Sir Thomas is going to need your help, Marcus. Ann, I’m afraid you will be stuck minding hearth and home.”

Her eyes dart to Marcus, no doubt waiting for him to agree but he seems mollified for a moment. “That hardly seems just.”

I clear my throat. “I know, but you’ll be pregnant with your third child… and it doesn’t seem right to have you off on an adventure to Scotland. Besides, who’ll mind your villagers?”

She settles back into the water with a happy face and reaches for a clay pot. “Three children? Very well. As long as you agree that my husband will not meet with ill fortune.”

I nod and turn such that I face the tub wall, not wanting to show my body to my characters. After all, I am author-god. I should look a hell of a lot more… god-like. “There will be some perilous moments but not so much for him as for Thomas.”

Grabbing soap salts, she begins to scrub my back with a linen cloth. “Sir Thomas? I thought you sent him to parts unknown. To trade for the king.”

The lavender scent is heavenly. “I did, but I had to bring him home. You know the lovely maid he’s been eyeing all summer? I’m afraid she is with child.”

Marcus growls and glances at his sword lying beside the pool. “I shall gut him from chin to-. Bring him back this instant. First there must be a wedding.”

I turn, put my palms up in the air in supplication, then quickly duck back down. “Well that’s just the point of the story. It’s going to be five years before I can get him back.”
“Absolutely unacceptable. By God, I won’t have any knight of mine making a chit pregnant.”

“Be reasonable. I cannot. He’s south of Rome by now, and makes his way to the east where neither pigeon, nor messenger can catch him.”

“Oh my. Well, we’ll just have to make the best of it.” Ann hops out of the water, dons her tunic, and rushes out the door in bare feet.

Marcus follows at a slower pace, sparing one glance back at me. “There better be another happily-ever-after, or heads will roll”
I lean back into the heated baths and sigh. That went quite well.

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